Quality person-centred care depends on respectful and collaborative relationships among RCAs; however, peer incivility and bullying can significantly disrupt such relationships. This study seeks to better understand residential care aides’ (RCAs) work relationships in long-term care, including peer workplace incivility and bullying, and how they influence care provision.
Extended-hours adult day centres (EH-ADCs) can potentially play a pivotal role in providing timely and responsive health and social care programming for people with dementia (PWD) and their family caregivers. The purpose of this project is to improve community-based health and social care programming for PWD and their family caregivers by generating an in-depth, contextualized understanding about EH-ADCs that can be used inform policy and programming.
The Effect of Visual Art in a Transitional Care Environment
This interdisciplinary study explores how visual art created for a health care environment can benefit older patients by providing them a sense of meaningful place, and understanding the transformative potential for students engaged in the creation of this art.
Promoting Social Citizenship for People with Dementia through Community-Based Programming.
The aim of this research is to better understand how community-based programming can help people with dementia remain as active and engaged citizens. To do this we are studying two existing programs using interviews and observation methods and also testing the usefulness of innovative methods.