Support, Education, networking & Sustained Engagement (SENSE): Knowledge-to-Action with Families of the Frail Elderly Living in Residential Long-term Care
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch, PhD, RN
Dr. Elisabeth Drance, MD
Dr. Paddy Rodney, PhD, RN
Dr. Deborah O’Connor, PhD, MSW
Dr. Catherine Ward-Griffin, PhD, RN
Dr. Alison Phinney, PhD, RN
Dr. Robert Colin Reid,PhD
Jo-Ann Tait
The purpose of this pilot study is to co-develop a workshop series with families to provide education, peer support and networking opportunities for families of residents living in residential long-term care facilities. The goal is to foster family members inclusion and improve their involvement in the care of residents.
This study came out of the ongoing IDEAL study which is a critical ethnography examining the negotiation of care work among families, residents and staff in RLTC. Family members participating in the study identified a desire for education, peer support and networking. Specifically, they identified three areas they would like to learn more about: i) the progression of dementia and implications for end-of-life care, ii) managing responsive behaviours (i.e. aggression) between residents, and iii) communication with staff around resident care. Each SENSE Workshop will incorporate three elements: i) educational content based on the knowledge being generated in the IDEAL study, ii) peer support, and iii) networking.
Webinar Presentation:
Conference Presentations:
Baumbusch, J., Phinney, A., Rodney, P., Reid, C., Drance, E., Ward-Griffin, C., O’Conner, D., Tait, J. (October 19-21, 2017). SENSE: A knowledge translation intervention with families in long-term care. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology 46th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Baumbusch, J., Beaton, D., Drance, E, LeBlanc, ME., O’Conner, D., Ono, E., Phinney, A., Reid, C., Rodney, P., Tait, J., Ward-Griffin, C. (April 23-24, 2017). Making SENSE a knowledge translation intervention with families of frail elderly living in long-term care. Poster presented at the Canadian Frailty Network 2017 Annual National Conference, Toronto, Ontario.

Research Assistant Denise Beaton presenting a poster on the SENSE study at the annual national Canadian Frailty Network Conference in Toronto, April 2017