Family Councils in British Columbia’s Residential Long-Term Care Sector
Principal Investigator:
Dr. Jennifer Baumbusch, PhD, RN
Dr. Robert Colin Reid PhD
Dr. Sharon Koehn, PhD
The aim of this study is to gain a greater understanding of the use and structure of Family Councils in residential long-term care facilities in BC. Families can be very engaged in their loved ones’ care. While individual family members’ involvement in residential long-term care has been examined, there is very little research about how Family Councils can be used as a way to include family members in decisions regarding the quality of life of residents. A survey regarding the use and structure of Family Councils will be sent to all residential long-term care facilities in BC.
Province Wide Report:

Family Councils: How do they influence family involvement in long term care?
Conference Presentations:
Baumbusch, J., Sloan Yip, I., Gandhi, P., Koehn,S., Reid, C., Whyte, C. (October 20-22, 2016). A Description of Family Councils in British Columbia. Poster presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Montreal, Quebec.

Sharon Koehn (left) and Isabel Sloan Yip (right) presenting a poster on Family Council at the CAG’s 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting in Montreal, Quebec.

Exploring the potential benefits and constraints of family councils in long-term careLongterm Care News
October 27, 2017
Q&A: Jennifer Baumbusch on the Impact of Family Councils on Long-term Care
August 27, 2017
BC Care providers Association
“Family councils are interesting because they’re one of only two formalized ways that family members can be involved in care; the other way is care conferences which is a very individualized approach. Family councils stand as the only collective way for families to get together to advocate and participate in decision-making.”